Our installation at The Treehouse Cafe!
We are also teaching classes :)
Visit: https://hm-creative-endeavors.square.site/
for more information.

Our installation at Cottonwood Center for the Arts!

"Rainbow Coins"
10" x 10" wooden board
(available at Marie Jewelers)

"River Series #4"
6" x 8" framed canvas panel

"Solar Transmission"
Acrylic on circular wooden board
*This piece was featured on CBS Sunday Morning's Sun Segment on 1/12/25*

I am Heather and I am a 26 year resident of Colorado and I have been married to my Husband, Brian, for over 25 years.
We raised our two amazing children in the ‘burbs of Broomfield. It was only after moving to Cañon City that I discovered I had an inner artist. I am currently calling Colorado Springs my home!
I paint with acrylic paints, including metallic, pearl and glitter paints. I usually paint on canvas, cradled boards or resin skulls but, I also paint on stone, wood, ceramics, fabrics and more.
I love the idea of Wabi-Sabi, of finding beauty in imperfection, of revering authenticity above all. I paint entirely free-hand with no forethought of pattern or design. My paintings tend to be surprising even as I paint them. I like to think of them as a download of sacred geometry from the universe!
My paintings are created with a clear intention to delight the eye and lift the spirit, they represent my devotion to God and to humanity. I am a very new artist and I have only begun to spread my wings!